Competence, know-how and innovative ideas in coatings and components – we develop and produce high-tech coatings for the automotive industry.

In the automotive sector PVD coatings have been an integral part of technology for a long time, such that millions of wearing parts have been coated already.
Mentionable usages of coatings in automotive, truck and racing sectors primary are components for engines and drive trains.
Examples of applications
Motorelemente /
Engine components
- Reduzierung von Verschleiß und Reibung, z.B. für Kolbenbolzen und Kolbenringe
- Reduction of abrasion and friction, e.g. for piston pins and rings
Ventiltrieb / Valve train
- Reduzierung der Reibung durch Beschichtung von Schlepphebeln und Tassenstößeln
- Reduction of friction by coating of rocker arms and bucket tappets

Kraftstoffeinspritzung / Fuel injection
- Beschichtung von Elementen in Pumpe/Düse und Common Rail Systemen
- Coating of elements in unit injectors and common rail systems
Getriebeteile / Gear parts
- Reibungsreduzierende Beschichtung von Zahnrädern und anderen Getriebeelementen
- Friction reducing coating of gear wheels and other gear box elements