Milling tools for dental professionals – Diamond-coated precision instruments on highest level.

Get the highest precision and aesthetic machining results through the use of ZrO² PowerTools. Our unique diamond coating as well as the “3 cutting edge” technology give the milling cutters maximum longevity.

Dentaltechnik / Dental technology
Ihre Vorteile / Your advantages
- Einzigartige Diamantbeschichtung / Unique diamond coating
- 3 Schneiden / 3 cutting
- Glatte Oberfläche / Smooth surface
- Kein Absplittern der Kronenränder / No splintering of the crown margins
- Hohe Elastizität / High elasticity
- Minimierte Bruchgefahr / Minimized risk of breakage

- Glatter Schaft für beste Rotation / Smooth shaft for best rotation
Wir bieten für alle Maschinen Zwischengrößen und Sonderwerkzeuge an /
We offer intermediate sizes and special tools for all machines
- Amann Girrbach® Systeme
- Imes-Icore® Systeme
- Roland® Systeme
- Robots and Design® Systeme
- Sirona® Systeme
- Arum® Systeme
- VHF® Systeme
- Yenadent® Systeme
- Ivoclar® Systeme
- XT-Cera® Systeme
- Zirkonzahn® Systeme