Move from innovative product ideas to competitive series solutions thanks to the engineering competence of WOLF.

In future airplanes must be as light as possible and as safe as possible. This is also a challenge for machining, because materials that are difficult to machine require special cutting tools and safe, holistic
processes. Anyone speaking of machining in the aerospace sector is speaking of high-tech solutions and innovations, of individually developed, technically and economically sensible solutions.
We offer you the world’s most extensive range of cutting tools for metal and composite materials of any single source. Flexible machining
solutions for aerospace applications with the greatest possible productivity and process reliability, from technical support to tool management.
Examples of applications
Triebwerk / Engine
- Turbinenscheibe / Turbine disk
- Verdichtergehäuse / Compressor housing
- Verdichterscheibe / Compressor disc
- Blisk / Blisk
Tragflügel / Airfoil
- Tragflächen / Wings
- Versteifungsrippen / Wing rib
- Flügelkasten / Wing box
Flugzeugrumpf / Fuselage
- Flügelmittelkasten / Center wing box
- Fahrwerksträger / Suspension carrier

Flügelhinterkante / Trailing edge
- Landeklappen / Landing gear
Tragflächenvorderkante / Wing leading edge
- Vorflügel / Slat track
Hilfskrafterzeuger / Auxiliary force generator
- Impeller / Impeller
Fahrwerk / Landing gear
- Hauptfahrwerk / Main landing gear