Layer by layer – better tools
PVD coating has been widely used in the field of chipping for a long time, so that hardly any cutting tool without coating is used today. The enormous potential of PVD coating is becoming clearly visible thanks to constantly increasing requirements, in terms of materials and cutting parameters.
Areas of application
Hard PVD coatings protect cutting edges and optimize friction and chip removal
PVD coatings are used for milling of hardened materials and for high cutting parameters
Coated turning plates show an increased wear volume in abrasive machining processes
Gear cutting
Solid carbide hobs can achieve extreme tool life with high temperature stable coatings
PVD coatings for chipping
Universal PVD coating for dry and high speed machining
Silicon-doped hard coating for processing of hardened materials
Multilayer coating for processing of aluminum, nickel and other non-ferrous alloys
PVD coating with high hot hardness used for dry machining at highest cutting paramenters
Advantages of PVD coatings for chipping
Wear-protection coating for longer use of tool edges
PVD coatings reduce flank wear and crater wear
Reduction of friction and improvement of chip removal
Reduced adhesion of materials and protection against formation of build-up edges
High-temperature-stable PVD coatings allow application in dry machining
Hardened and hard-to-cut materials can be machined with super-hard PVD coatings